Soul Retrieval |
‘The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond; and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear’. |
- Daniel Defoe |
Soul Fragmentation:-
It is believed that each time we have a trauma in our life a piece of our soul fragments. The reason for this fragmentation can be as simple as a young child getting scared because he has broken mama’s favorite flower pot or being bullied at school. Anytime we feel traumatized, a part of our soul fragments to absorb the shock and save us from the trauma. This fragment may either stay connected through a life cord with the original soul (as an inner child) or might separate out. This is the defense mechanism of the soul to protect itself. Sometimes we too subconsciously or unknowingly give pieces of our soul away to friends, parents, children etc. out of love. If you have ever had a feeling of not being quite complete, you are experiencing soul loss.
What are the symptoms of Soul loss?
The symptoms of soul loss are different for everyone. You may feel disassociated, ungrounded, disconnected or like you are not in your body. Your eyes may appear vacant. Your senses may seem muffled. You may sleep a lot and feel apathetic toward life. You may feel like you are "not all there," "not at home," or as if something is "missing." You may have a feeling of emptiness, of having no heart, of being empty or having a big hole inside. You may be suffering from depression, hopelessness, feeling stuck, etc.
Symptoms of Soul Loss:-
Numbness |
Feeling Stuck |
Apathy |
Shattered |
Addictions |
Depression |
Hopelessness |
Sadness |
Fatigue |
Something missing
Emptiness |
Phobias |
How do I do Soul Retrieval?
My method of doing soul retrieval is very gentle. I take the help of your Guardian Angels and Higher Self who are totally aware of the how, when and why you lost your soul fragments. After the soul fragments return they are healed and integrated. However before the integration I clear your space of all the energies and consciousness that don’t belong to you.
Why is Soul Retrieval life changing?
The effects of having soul retrieval vary from person to person. Some people feel that they are more grounded in their body and feel more solid. Some people feel lighter and a joyful way of being returns to them. For some memories of the past traumas might be triggered bringing up a variety of feelings that must be worked through. And for some people the effects are too subtle to notice a change until further work to integrate the soul is done. Clients who experience a Soul Retrieval feel rejuvenated, more powerful, stronger, happier and complete. At times it totally changes a person's life almost overnight.
Of all the healing I do, Soul Retrieval is the most important and the most life changing. This is the one thing that will benefit everyone and totally change their life. |