Services |
I Shalliza Lama would like to welcome you to my website and I hope you find it helpful and informative. I believe in the limitless possibilities that we have within ourselves to realize and discover our true potential. I have developed this site out of a series of hard experiences in my own life which has been an evolving one, as it is for everyone. Metaphysical teaching has come to me naturally as I learned from my own inner and outer experiences.
I believe that the most important rule of healing is that only God heals. Nobody else can heal. Everybody else is just a channel for healing. A healer is just a medium, a flute, through which the divine music flows. They are neither the musician nor the music, just the instrument.
I am a Clairvoyant and a Medium who uses various healing modalities that I have acquired over a period of time. I feel that all of us are interconnected. Our mind is like a computer that is connected to the minds of all living things through the world wide web of the super conscious mind (the Universal Mind). It has all the information about anything across time and space stored in it and is very user friendly. I have learnt to access this infinite store of wisdom for gaining information and doing Healing work. |