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Karmic Clearing
‘You didn't come here to make the choice. You've already made it. You are here to try to understand the choice that you made’.
                                                                                         - Raphanael
What is karma?

The literal meaning of karma is action. Action is usually founded on projection, assumption, misunderstanding; and therefore karma is generated. Karma has nothing to do with punishment. It is cause and effect right across the spectrum. From the most harmful act producing the most devastating result, to the most altruistic act producing the most beneficial result. So karma relates to all our activities. But a much more important level of karma is; every time you do, think or say something an imprint is left in the deeper levels of your mind. So it is called karmic imprint and that imprint is what molds the way you are.

Need for Karmic clearing?

Many people are confused over the happenings in their lives. They see the same patterns repeating, and they wonder how they keep setting themselves up for the same types of experiences, over and over again. Many karmic patterns are like loops: the pattern repeats over and over again. Few people have the time to deeply contemplate the attitudes that cause these loops. Fewer still are connected enough with the inner voice within them to obtain answers. So there is a great need for work that is permanent and life-changing.

How is it done?

The goal of a karmic clearing is to unplug from the neuropathways of the brain the attitudes that are generating karmic patterns. All etheric components of a karmic pattern are magnetized by some kind of attitude, decision, concept or truth that the person's subconscious is holding on to. Until the attitude is known and absolved on all levels, and the potentials upfolded into the Void, the removals will not be permanent and the neuropathways won't release the program. In order to ascertain which programs/attitudes need to be unplugged the most, I attune to the person's HigherSelf and let their Higher Self dictate the direction of the session. Their Higher Self shows me priority personalities, energies and entities to be transmuted. Then I absolve all components on all levels of the psyche and up fold the potential into the Void for permanency. When this occurs, the person's soul fragment that was tied up in the karmic pattern returns home to the soul within. Experiences that were unresolved are now owned as wisdom.

Karmic clearing can be done both distantly and in person.
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