Chakra Healing & Balancing |
‘Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open’ |
What Is a Chakra?
The chakras are energy centers. The seven major chakras in the chakra system (there are many minor chakras) look like spinning wheels of light, funnels, or whirlpools of energy that make our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life possible.They run along the spinal cord and each chakra has a different color and vibration.
The first chakra in the chakra system is found at the base of the spine. Its color is red, and it is described as a funnel opening down to the earth. Also called the Root chakra, it is associated with survival and adaptability. When balanced, it allows us to connect to the Earth and be grounded. In ancient Vedic or Sanskrit text it is known as Mooldhara.
The second chakra is found below the navel and is tied to creativity, passion and sexuality. Its color is orange. It is called Hara chakra or Swadhishtana.
The third chakra is located in the solar plexus, and its color is yellow. This chakra is about will power, energy and self-esteem. It is called Solar plexus chakra or Manipura.
The fourth chakra, located over the sternum, is green in colour. This chakra is to do with love and kindness. It is called Heart chakra or Anahata.
The fifth chakra is located in the throat. Its color is blue and it is linked to our ability to communicate and express. It is called Throat chakra or Vishuddha.
The sixth chakra is located in the center of the forehead, just above the eyebrows and is our connection to intuition, clairvoyance and imagination. Its color is indigo. It is called Third eye chakra or Agna.
The seventh chakra in the chakra system is located at the top of the head, and it is about knowledge, understanding and transcendence. Its color is violet. It is called Crown chakra or Sahasrara.
Both the first and seventh chakras have only one opening to their funnel. The first opens to the earth and connects to the base of the spine while the seventh opens to the universe and connects to the top of the head.
All other chakras in the chakra system have the funnel openings to the front of the body, become narrow, run through the body and funnel once again to the back of the body.
What is Chakra Healing and Balancing?
Imbalances in a chakra can affect your health.The first thing that I do during a session is check which chakras may be out of balance. Depending upon whether the issue is physical or emotional, I identify the Chakras with which it is associated. Next I start with removing blocked energy from the Chakras and energy meridians after which the Chakras are energized. Once the Chakras are energized, I balance them. Regardless of the initial complaint I work on all major Chakras and a few minor ones as well, since it is important for all chakras to be in harmony for optimal health. I conclude the session by shielding all the Chakras. Chakra Healing & Balancing can be done in person or remotely through Distance Healing.
Benefits of Chakra Healing
Healing the chakras releases energy blockages from chakras by releasing frozen, negative emotions from your heart, disempowering belief systems from your mind, and Karmic and energy blocks from your body. Chakra Healing is effective for all kinds of problems whether it’s physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
What does one feels during Chakra healing and balancing?
During a session you would experience a calm, peaceful, and relaxed state. Some have experiences of expanded awareness. A number of times my clients have experienced repressed memories and traumas resurfacing which signifies to me that we are accessing the core of an issue that has been causing them mental, physical, emotional or spiritual pain.This is a good sign as profound healing happens when the core of an issue comes to the surface.
All of this work is done at a distance or in person. Distance Healing is as effective as in person healing. Many of my clients tell me that they like remote healing better because they can be relaxed in the comfort of their own home. With Distant Healing, they feel all the sensations as they do in person.
Give it a try and see for yourself. |