FAQ's |
How did you begin doing Psychic healings?
A series of incidents in my life moved me towards alternative healing methods. Out of these Hypnosis and meditation helped open dormant portals in my subconscious mind which I now use for healing work.
How do you do Distance healing?
All of us are interconnected through the Universal mind by means of a Divine cord. The universal mind also called ‘collective consciousness’ or ‘God consciousness’ has all the information about everything across time and space stored in it. I access this infinite store of knowledge and wisdom for gaining information and healing people.
Do you offer Past Life Readings?
I use hypnosis to regress a client to the origin of an issue which could be in present or a past life.The awareness and its acceptance brings about healing in most people. When the client is not available in person I make use of distant healing techniques. For this I take the client’s permission and become his/her surrogate, which helps me to find out the root of the problems thereby helping heal it. I feel that all dis-ease begins in the mind as emotions. If you heal the emotion, then healing will occur on a cellular level.
Do you help with health problems?
I see problems from the metaphysical point of view. Problems and diseases mostly come from our emotional state of mind. Problem in each and every part of our body signifies something; however it could be different for different people. I identify the reason or source of origin of a particular health issue and guide you to take certain measures to heal them and avoid future reoccurrence. However I recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice.
What is your favorite area of work?
I love doing Guided Meditations and helping people get in touch with their higher self and getting their own answers.I have found that this work opens up spiritual doors for my clients in accelerated time. I firmly believe that all the answers are within us. All we need to do is sit silently and go within by focusing on our breath and slowly beginning the journey inwards to our real master who is within us and is eager to guide us. A number of times after our Guided Meditations together, my clients have told me that they have started seeing things very clearly in their life. I consider this work very fulfilling.
Do you offer Psychic readings for Pets?
Yes. In my experience it's very similar to reading people
Are you able to communicate with deceased loved ones?
Yes I can see across the spiritual veil which is one of the greatest gifts I have been given. If you ever wish to send or receive messages from departed family members, your deceased spouse, children, and pets, I can channel the answers, but only those which the deceased choose to give.
Do you help with Hauntings and Paranormal Investigations?
I have assisted many people in identifying energies in their homes or around them which they believe to be Hauntings or poltergeists. I have also done a number of house and space cleansings
Do you Use Psychic Tools?
No. My answers come to me through images and hearing directly from my Angels, Spirit Guides, and the Higher self.
Do you offer Dream Interpretation?
Yes. This is one of my specialties. Dreams have great significance as it is through dreams that our Soul communicates with us.Our deceased loved ones also meet and guide us through our dreams. Similar dreams in different people can be interpreted in a number of different ways.
How do you work with someone who is of a particular Faith?
It is each person's right and responsibility to discover and walk their respective Path. I honor and respect all Paths, believing that any sincere Path leads to the same Source. I work with clients that adhere to a particular religion or path from within the framework of that religion or path, if this is their desire.
Can you predict future?
The future is not set and is subject to free will - therefore a psychic cannot predict the future. I can see the potential future based on the choices you make and will help guide you to find the best path forward. I however can tell you about certain events that are sure to happen in your life. I like to call these events 'destiny events'. |