Channeling |
‘The human mind is a channel through which things-to-be are coming into the realm of things-that-are’. |
What is Channeling?
Channeling is a two way communication between humans and angelic beings, nature spirits, non-physical entities or even animals and pets. It is very similar to any other form of communication, whether verbal, body language or art. They all communicate a message, and the message is subject to the receiver’s understanding. A channel is something similar to a translator or interpreter. They allow themselves to feel or sense the communication from the other being and then attach human words to the communications for the understanding by others.The energy and consciousness of anything can be channelled — rocks, trees, and animals, as well as higher beings and spiritual teachers.
How is it done?
A channel can choose who or what they want to channel. The channel receives the information at an intuitive or feeling level, which their mind converts into words. We live in a multidimensional universe having number of planes. The physical plane is the first of seven planes. The other planes are the Astral, Causal, Akashic, Mental, Messianic, and Buddhic planes. These planes aren't really separate from our lives here on the physical plane. Through channeling, we can make conscious contact with the higher planes. We can also communicate with beings that are physical but nonhuman.
How does channeling help?
Through the vibrational shift that is happening on earth it has become easier to open the communication channel between the dimensions. Its incredibly useful to receive information from other perspectives and other planes of existence. We are accustomed to the way things operate within reality as we perceive it on the Earth plane. By adding to that the wider "big picture" that higher beings and spiritual teachers have, we are able to more accurately see important things in our lives: our life path, life purpose, agreements with others and relationship issues etc. Having this information helps us greatly in making day-to-day choices, which results in a life that flows in closer alignment with our life path and that creates true joy. |